
Blue Coat School > Students > Anti-Bullying

At Blue Coat we see a difference between conflict and bullying

How to report bullying, discrimination and racism in school?

How students can report…

If a student is being bullied they are encouraged not to retaliate, but to tell someone they trust, a friend, parent or adult.  They are also encouraged to report bullying incidents in school by:

  • Talking to any member of staff
  • Talking to an Anti-Bullying Ambassador (ABA)
  • Using the BEN email system allocated to their house group
  • Using the House post box (this can be anonymous)
  • Message on Edulink (anonymous)

How parents can support…

If you think your child is being bullied parents are encouraged to contact the school by:

  • Emailing Tutor, Head of House or Assistant Head of House
  • Calling Tutor, Head of House or Assistant Head of House

Is this a safeguarding concern?

If you feel there is a safeguarding concern and a young person is at risk of harm then please click here to refer to our safeguarding information.

Role of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

  • To refer using the BEN protocol should they witness or be told about an incident of potential bullying behaviour.
  • Working alongside staff to create anti bullying policies and to create the school Anti Bullying Charter.
  • To come alongside their peers, both those subject to bullying behaviours and the perpetrators, to promote the school values and to provide peer-led support.
  • To raise the profile of BEN amongst the school community. This may include:
    • Delivering training to students and staff e.g. as part of assemblies and staff training.
    • Creating promotional materials including materials to be used in tutor times.
    • Organising anti-bullying events.
    • Using research tools such as questionnaires to ascertain student awareness and understanding.
    • Represent BEN at events such as parents’ evenings.