Pupil Premium Arrangements
The Pupil Premium is a Government initiative which provides additional funding to schools in order to raise the attainment of children from backgrounds considered to be disadvantaged. The aim of this funding is to try to close the ‘achievement gap’ by enabling schools to directly support individual students appropriately.
Schools are required to provide annual reports to parents summarising the allocation and use of the Pupil Premium funding received each year. Our most recent reports can be found below.
- Pupil Premium Plan 2020-2023 which outlines our Pupil Premium Policy, Grant Expenditure Review & Spending Plan.
- Pupil Premium Free Breakfast Form this application form is for the parents of any PP eligible student who wishes to apply for an annual breakfast club pass
- Music Tuition Letter to be completed if requesting subsidised peripatetic lessons
- Instrument Tuition Contract to be completed if requesting subsidised peripatetic lessons
- Educational Trip Subsidy Form allows parents/guardians to apply for financial support with the cost of trips or educational visits which have a direct link to the academic curriculum.
These forms should be emailed, posted or delivered to the Blue Coat finance department. Each case will be considered on an individual basis and a response will be provided in due course.
Please can all of these completed application forms be sent to finance@bluecoatschool.com