
Blue Coat School > Curriculum > Examinations

This area provides all the information that you will need to help you be prepared for the GCSE/GCE exams at Blue Coat School.

Exam Boards 2022-23

Adaptations and Support

Exams 2023-2024 Ofqual student guide

Collecting Examination Certificates

Exam certificates come directly to the school and are not sent to individual students. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that certificates are collected from the school within 24 months of issue. Certificates not collected within 24 months will be securely destroyed and students are liable for the cost of a replacement certificate. Students are advised to contact the school to ensure that their certificate is available for collection before making arrangements to attend. When collecting certificates, students should bring appropriate photo ID with them, such as a passport or driving licence. This must be pre-arranged with the Exams Office.

Candidate Information

Listed below are JCQ (information for candidates) documents. It is important that you read and take note of these documents.