Curriculum Structure

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Structure of the Curriculum

At our school, we provide a well-structured and progressive curriculum designed to meet the educational needs and aspirations of our students. The curriculum is divided into three key stages, each catering to specific year groups and providing a strong academic foundation as well as opportunities for personal growth.

3-Year Key Stage 3 (KS3) – Key Stage 3 spans three years, covering Years 7 to 9. During this phase, students are introduced to a broad and balanced range of subjects, laying the groundwork for future academic success.

2-Year Key Stage 4 (KS4) – Key Stage 4 covers two years, Years 10 and 11. During this stage, students focus on preparing for their General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or equivalent qualifications. At the end of KS3, students have the opportunity to choose certain subjects based on their interests and future aspirations.

2-Year Key Stage 5 (KS5) – Key Stage 5 consists of two years, covering Years 12 and 13. This stage is also known as Sixth Form, and it focuses on post-16 education, where students can choose to study A-Levels or other equivalent qualifications. KS5 allows students to specialize in the subjects they are passionate about and that align with their higher education or career goals.

Curriculum Model and Structure

Structure of Key Stage 3

  • Students are divided into X and Y bands. French is taught to two groups in both bands. German is taught to four groups in X band and Spanish is taught to three groups in Y Band.
  • Maths and Science are delivered through ability set groups
  • English, MFL, Humanities and RE are banded
  • Creative subjects are taught in mixed ability groups
  • All students in Year 7 and 8 participate in the Accelerated reader programme with all Year 9 students participating in a dedicated reading lesson in the English curriculum. To complement this, reading features in our tutor time programme across all year groups. Students whom have a reading age below their chronological age participate in a range of bespoke interventions including Lexonik and Flash Academy.
  • At KS3 students have the opportunity to study:
    • Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE)/Citizenship/Careers
    • English
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • History
    • Geography
    • Modern Foreign Language – French, German or Spanish
    • Design and Technology (including Food, Textiles, Product & 3D Design)
    • Computing
    • Art & 3D Design
    • Music
    • Physical Education
    • Religious Education
    • Drama

Structure of Key Stage 4

  • Our GCSE Core Curriculum consists of:
    • Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE)/Citizenship/Careers
    • English Language
    • English Literature
    • Mathematics
    • Sciences (Separate Biology, Chemistry, Physics for Set 1 or Combined Science for Sets 2 and below)
    • Religious Education
  • When students select options the EBACC is encouraged but a personalised approach to their 3 options is available and supported through our process
  • We offer foundation/higher maths, single sciences, combined science & MFL
  • With the diverse cohort at Blue Coat we encourage students to complete a GCSE in their first language
  • Our Optional KS4 Curriculum consists of:
    • Art
    • Business Studies
    • Computer Science
    • Drama
    • Dance
    • Design & Technology
    • Food Preperation & Nutrition
    • French
    • Geography
    • German
    • History
    • Music
    • PE
    • Art & Design – Photography
    • Spanish
    • Art & Design – Textiles
    • Art & Design – 3D Design

Structure of Key Stage 5

  • We offer an ambitious and extensive range of qualifications at Post 16
  • Our students go onto a wide range of destinations with many reaching top universities (including Oxbridge), apprenticeships and employment
  • Student are supported to study three subjects at A Level with some exceptional candidates completing four qualifications
  • Pathways to universities and careers are well supported through the Post 16 application and interview process
  • Students complete a programme of assemblies and tutor periods linked to worship and age appropriated PSHE
    • Students benefit from CEIAG support, university speakers and ICONs conferences.
  • Students also have a 6th form Student Council offering whole school leadership opportunities
  • Due to the Coventry consortium programme we share our curriculum with a number of pupils from other schools across the city
  • We offer a wide variety of subjects at Post 16 – these include:
    • Applied Science (BTEC Ex Cert, Single)
    • Art & Design: Fine Art
    • Art & Design: Graphics
    • Art & Design: Textiles
    • Art & Design: Photography
    • Biology
    • Business Studies
    • Chemistry
    • Computing
    • Drama & Theatre
    • Economics
    • English Language & Literature
    • English Literature
    • French
    • Geography
    • German
    • Health & Social Care (BTEC)
    • History
    • Law
    • Mathematics
    • Mathematics (further)
    • Media Studies
    • Music
    • Music Technology
    • Physics
    • Physical Education
    • Philosophy & Ethics
    • Product Design
    • Psychology
    • Sociology
    • Sport (BTEC)


Outcomes in Summer 2023

  • Our highest ever Progress 8 score of +0.42 vs. England Average -0.03
  • The percentage of pupils who achieved a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and maths at the end of Key Stage 4 is 48%. This compares favourably with both the average for England (46%) and the Local Authority average (41%).
  • Our 2023 Attainment 8 score is 52.3. This compares favourably with both the average for England (46.2) and the Local Authority average (43.7).
  • The English Baccalaureate APS is 4.5 for 2023. This compares favourably to the 2018 national (4.05) and local authority (3.77).
  • Our 2023 A Level Cohort Score is 36.69 with an average result of a B-
  • There is no Value-Added measure for this academic year but we achieved 7.7% A* and 21% achieved A*-A.
  • For our Applied General qualifications our average level of achievement was a Merit+


KS4 – GCSE Level (2021)

  • 93% of students are in Sustained Employment or Education. This compares favourably with 94% for state-funded schools in England, and also 92% for Local Authority state funded-schools.
  • 58% of Blue Coat students enter 6th form

KS5 – A Level (2023)

  • 2 students successfully went to Oxbridge
  • 1 student progressed onto the Royal Academy of Music with a full scholarship
  • 33 students progressed onto a Russel Group University

KS5 – A Level (2021)

  • 95% of students are in sustained employment, education or training – this in line with the England Average.