Physical Education
Curriculum Intent
The PE Department at Blue Coat School pride themselves on delivering a diverse curriculum which promotes a 3 key aspects of developing motor skills, promoting knowledge of rules, tactics and strategies, all whilst encouraging a healthy active lifestyle and an enjoyment for physical activity.
Students engage in a variety of activities across the Core Key Stage 3/4 curriculum in line with the national curriculum, improving a wide range of knowledge, skills, and understanding through Physical Education, thereby influencing and growing involvement. Offering over ten sporting activities each academic year allows our students to immerse themselves in a variety of different experiences while also expanding their knowledge and understanding of factors underpinning performance, factors affecting performance, evaluating performance, and finally, coaching and leading sessions.
We acknowledge the critical role that PE plays in allowing our students to live life to the fullest, so we make sure that our practise is ingrained in our C.H.R.I.S.T values, which underpin everything we do as a department.
As a result of our core offering, students can enrol in a variety of qualifications at key stages 4 and 5, including GCSE PE, Vocational Sport Studies, and both A Level and BTEC Sport
Our vision is straightforward: we strive to provide “something for everyone” across our educational mission of “Equity over Equality,” appealing to and expanding the specific passions of ALL students through the variety of opportunities available in Physical Education, Physical Activity & Sports Science.
Curriculum Documents
Teaching and Learning
In PE, we deliver an ambitious, inclusive curriculum that ensures all students access the full breadth of content. Our teaching vision focuses on high expectations and embedding the 3Rs: Ready, Respectful, Responsible. Lessons follow the school’s Blue Coat approach; explaining and modeling, do and practice, and using the 4forAll Toolkit: key words/reading, time management, chunking/checking, questioning, and providing appropriate verbal, written and visual feedback. Reading is a key strategy, with staff using “Jump In,” the “3-Second Rule,” and “Echo Reading” techniques to support learning.

- OCR Cambridge National Sports Studies
- OCR GCSE Physical education 9-1
- AQA A Level Physical Education
- BTEC Extended Certificate in Sport