
Curriculum Intent

The intent of our A-Level Psychology curriculum is to engage, inspire and challenge students, equipping them with specific Psychology knowledge and skills. These include critical analysis, independent thinking and research. This will be via a broad and ambitious set of learning opportunities linked to the whole school CHRIST values and will offer students the opportunity to develop competence and confidence in a variety of practical, mathematical and problem-solving skills. Students will also understand how society makes decisions and different issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economic and the wider society.

We aim to develop our students’ knowledge and understanding of Psychology areas, such as memory, social influence, attachment and schizophrenia. In addition to this wide raging subject knowledge, they will develop general scientific ideas, processes, techniques and procedures and learn to apply this learning in both a theoretical and practical context. Finally, we aim to develop students who are able to analyse, interpret and evaluate information, ideas and evidence, to make judgements and reach conclusions and develop and refine practical design and procedures. Excellence within Psychology would mean each pupil learning Blue Coat School with a sound grasp of scientific processes and techniques, a questioning mind and the ability to make judgments and reach conclusions for themselves. Our subject allows all students to develop socially through collaborative tasks, yet also develop the confidence to work individually and solve problems.

Our intention is that all learners, whatever their prior attainment will experience a challenging curriculum, that builds them in scaffolded stages towards becoming confident and questioning individuals. Psychology develops a range of valuable skills, including critical analysis, independent thinking and research. These skills are particularly relevant to young people and are transferable to further study and the workplace. Students will be enabled to use this classroom learning beyond school and apply them to a range of problems in the real world.

Teaching and Learning

In Psychology we believe in delivering an ambitious yet highly inclusive curriculum to all. Our vision for Teaching & Learning is to ensure all students access the “full” curriculum and learn the breadth of content. 

Our staff have high expectations of all pupils and focus on embedding our 3Rs:  

  • Ready
  • Respectful
  • Responsible

All lessons focus on embedding the whole school Blue Coat approach:

  • Explaining and Modelling
  • Do & Practice
  • 4forAll Toolkit leading to inclusive practice:
    • Key words/Reading
    • Use of time
    • Chunk and check
    • Questioning
  • Appropriate verbal, written and visual feedback

Reading is an essential strategy within lessons. You will see staff applying the three reading strategies of:

How can parents help?

Experiences and Enrichment

Enrichment – guest lectures. Professor Craig Jackson – from Birmingham City University. 17th July 2023 on The Bad Science of Criminal Behavioural Profiling.

Enrichment – Guest lectures. Dr Paraic Scanlo – from Birmingham City University. March 2022 on How Do We Look At The Brain?

Summer 2022 – Coventry University Taster Day. Friday 15th July 2022. Taster lectures include – Forensic Investigation and a criminology lecture on what makes a murderer. Photos here – link. Summer 2023. Coventry University Taster Day for current Year 12 Psychology students on 8th June 2023.


UCAS Provider Name
The University of Law
Coventry University
Coventry University
Aston University, Birmingham
Keele University
Oxford Brookes University
University of Hertfordshire
Loughborough College
Aston University, Birmingham
Aston University, Birmingham
King’s College London, University of London
University of Nottingham
Queen Mary University of London
University of Leicester
University of Worcester
De Montfort University
University of Hertfordshire
Coventry University
University of Stirling
Coventry University
Coventry University
University of Warwick
Nottingham Trent University
De Montfort University
Aston University, Birmingham
De Montfort University
Coventry University
University of Birmingham
Coventry University
UCAS Course placed
Accounting and Finance
Forensic Science
Nursing (Adult) (Swindon Campus)
Sport and Exercise Therapy
Psychology with a Year Abroad
Philosophy and Psychology
Psychology with a Year Abroad
Biology (with Foundation Year)
Nursing with Registration (Adult Nursing)
Adult Nursing
Human Resource Management
Nursing and Allied Health Professions
Adult Nursing
Business Management and Marketing
Nursing with Registration (Adult Nursing)
Biomedical Science