Welcome to Year 9 Options
The National Qualifications Authority sets a framework for educational
qualifications in England and Wales. As students move from Key Stage Three to
Key Stage Four of the National Curriculum, they take the first steps up a ladder
which can lead to a wide range of high-level qualifications: university degrees,
master’s degrees, doctorates, professional diplomas and awards, higher national
diplomas and certificates, etc. The first steps are Level 1 and Level 2 of the
National Qualifications Framework and include GCSEs, BTEC First Diplomas and
Certificates, Level 1 and 2 NVQs, and Cambridge National Awards and
All GCSE subjects studied at Blue Coat are Level 2, so they require more hours
per week than in lower school. Because of this, students need to study fewer
subjects in Key Stage 4 than at Key Stage 3 – in other words, some subjects have
to be dropped before starting GCSE or equivalent qualifications.
At Blue Coat, certain GCSEs/equivalents are compulsory: English, Maths, Science,
and Religious Studies. In addition, all students are required to attend lessons in
Core PE and PSHE. These subjects are collectively known as core subjects.
In most cases, students take three additional subjects, referred to as options.
Within this, most students usually take a humanities subject (Geography or
History) and a language (French, German or Spanish).
Choosing options is a serious matter. It requires careful thought and discussion
with parents/carers, tutors, and relevant subject teachers. Talking to friends and
older students is also really useful. However, it is highly unlikely that any choices
made at this stage will close doors forever. The subjects essential for the vast
majority of future careers are at the heart of our core curriculum.
The Options Process

Core Subjects
At Blue Coat School the compulsory GCSE subjects, known as “core subjects,”
reflect both national curriculum requirements and our commitment to ‘living life
in all its fullness’.
These subjects are designed to provide a strong foundation of academic
knowledge, personal development, and ethical understanding, ensuring students
are well-prepared for their future education and lives.
The core subjects at Blue Coat are:
➢ English Language
➢ English Literature
➢ Mathematics
➢ Sciences
➢ Religious Education (RE)
Details about each of the core GCSE courses available can be found in this
Options Subjects
You are beginning one of the most exciting and challenging periods of your life.
Choose what is right for you, work hard and enjoy it.
In choosing options, students are advised to think about:
- Which subjects you are best at?
- Which you enjoy most/find most interesting?
- Which you feel are most likely to be useful to you in the future?
- Is there a new subject you would like to study?
Students are strongly advised to ignore:
- Whether you like/dislike your current teacher
- What your friends are doing.
Due to timetable constraints, we cannot guarantee that all students will be able to
study all their option choices. Within those constraints, we will make every effort to
accommodate as many choices as possible.
Students are given the opportunity to speak to their Head of House about their
subject choices. If there are any problems or changes to be made, these will be dealt
with accordingly
3D Design
Business Studies
Design and Technology
Fine Art
Physical Education
How to complete your options form:
Year 9 Options Presentation
If you were unable to attend the Options fair this year, please take a moment to watch the Options presentation below.