
Blue Coat School > Parents > Attendance

Parents have a legal obligation to ensure their child attends Blue Coat School consistently and arrives on time each day. At Blue Coat School, we pride ourselves on excellent attendance, which is made possible through the support of parents and a strong partnership between families and the school. We expect students to maintain attendance above 96%. While we understand that occasional absences may occur, national and local data demonstrate a clear connection between strong attendance and academic success. Therefore, maintaining high attendance remains a priority at Blue Coat School.

Government Guidance

Parents are expected to:

  • Ensure that their child attends school regularly, punctually and ready to learn. 
  • Inform the school of the reason for any absence by phone call on the first morning of any absence, and in advance if possible. Parents will be required to call school on every subsequent day of absence and advise when they are expected to return.   The school may require this to be confirmed in writing when a student returns to school 
  • Avoid making medical appointments during school hours whenever possible. This includes opticians, dentists, doctors and orthodontist appointments On the rare occasions when an appointment in school hours is unavoidable, parents/carers will make arrangements to collect their child from school and return them to school as soon as possible.
  • Not arrange family holidays or visits during term time. 
  • Only request leave of absence in exceptional circumstances and  will be made at least two weeks in advance using the form available from the school office
  • Provide the school with more than one emergency contact number for their child

Pupils are expected to:

  • Attend school on time every day
  • Attend every lesson on time each day
  • If arriving after the start of the school day, sign in with duty staff on the school gate or the main school reception, giving a reason for lateness
  • Not leave the school site without permission 
  • Strive to have excellent school attendance and punctuality

Schools are expected to:

  • Have a clear school attendance policy on the school website which all staff, pupils and parents understand.
  • Develop and maintain a whole school culture that promotes the benefits of good attendance. 
  • Accurately complete admission and attendance registers. 
  • Have robust daily processes to follow up absence. 
  • Have a dedicated Senior Leader with overall responsibility for championing and improving attendance. Mrs C Milbourne Senior Assistant Headteacher responsible for behaviour & attendance.

Term Dates / School Day Timings

Blue Coat staff are always available to support your child. If you need assistance or advice regarding attendance and punctuality, please reach out to your child’s tutor or head of house.

Useful Links – Should I keep my child off school

NHS – Anxiety in children – NHS ( – How long should I keep my child off school?

Coventry City Council – Early help and family hubs