Parents Evenings

Blue Coat School > Parents > Parents Evenings

All parents and students receive one virtual parent evening per academic year. The dates for the planned parents’ evenings for academic year 2024/25 are:

  • Year 7 – Tuesday 10th December 2024
  • Year 8 – Wednesday 11th June 2025
  • Year 9 – Tuesday 20th May 2025
  • Year 10 – Wednesday 9th April 2025
  • Year 11 – Tuesday 11th February 2025
  • Year 12 – Wednesday 20th November 2024
  • Year 13 – Tuesday 15th October 2024

All appointments will be held virtually and individual subject teacher appointments will last 5 minutes. You will be emailed by the school office when the appointment bookings window opens and to confirm the specific times of the virtual evening.

The parent/guardian link to access the school cloud website is here:

You will require login details that will have been emailed to the email address you have registered with us here at school. In order to request or update your login details for School Cloud or parents evening software please email Mrs J Curtis through the Contact Us page.

For guidance on how to book and attend your virtual parents evening appointments please view the video below:

SchoolCloud Parents Evening – Parent Login from SchoolCloud on Vimeo.