At Blue Coat we see a difference between conflict and bullying
In a conflict, both sides have equal power, but inappropriate and hurtful things may be said or done to each other. E.g. disagreements, arguments, confrontation, difference of opinion.
- Actions or words that are intentionally hurtful, repeated often over a period of time and difficult for victim to defend themselves against.
- In a bullying relationship one side has more power than the other sides. In conflict, both sides have equal power and could both help to put an end to it.
“Bullying behaviour is the repeated, intentional, hurting of one person or a group of people, where there is an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online”. We believe that abusive behaviours are just that, not “banter”, “just having a laugh” or “part of growing up” Anti-Bullying Alliance 2018
How to report bullying, discrimination and racism in school?
How students can report…
If a student is being bullied they are encouraged not to retaliate, but to tell someone they trust, a friend, parent or adult. They are also encouraged to report bullying incidents in school by:
- Talking to any member of staff
- Talking to an Anti-Bullying Ambassador (ABA)
- Using the BEN email system allocated to their house group
- Using the House post box (this can be anonymous)
- Message on Edulink (anonymous)
How parents can support…
If you think your child is being bullied parents are encouraged to contact the school by:
- Emailing Tutor, Head of House or Assistant Head of House
- Calling Tutor, Head of House or Assistant Head of House
Is this a safeguarding concern?
If you feel there is a safeguarding concern and a young person is at risk of harm then please click here to refer to our safeguarding information.

Role of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
- To refer using the BEN protocol should they witness or be told about an incident of potential bullying behaviour.
- Working alongside staff to create anti bullying policies and to create the school Anti Bullying Charter.
- To come alongside their peers, both those subject to bullying behaviours and the perpetrators, to promote the school values and to provide peer-led support.
- To raise the profile of BEN amongst the school community. This may include:
- Delivering training to students and staff e.g. as part of assemblies and staff training.
- Creating promotional materials including materials to be used in tutor times.
- Organising anti-bullying events.
- Using research tools such as questionnaires to ascertain student awareness and understanding.
- Represent BEN at events such as parents’ evenings.
Students who have been subject to bullying behaviour will be supported by:
- Having an immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with a member of staff/ABA.
- Reassurance
- Continuous support with a designated keyworker /ABA
- The offer of self-esteem and self-confidence building activities.
- A referral to a Peer Mentor/counsellor/outside agency if available and appropriate
- Being informed about the outcome of the investigation.
Students who demonstrate bullying behaviour will be supported by:
- An immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with a member of staff/ABA.
- Reassurance
- A continuous support with a designated keyworker.
- A positive behaviour programme
- Referral to a Peer Mentor/counsellor/outside agency if available and appropriate
- Being informed about the outcome of the investigation.
- Sanctions in line with the School’s Behaviour Policy.
Displaying Bullying, Racist and Discriminatory behaviours is considered to be a serious breach of the school’s behaviour policy and any sanctions given will be in line with the school’s behaviour policy.
Sanctions may include:
- Loss of free time within the school day
- Exclusion from certain areas of the school premises
- Detention
- Intervention
- A2S
- Fixed-term suspension
- Placement at another school
- Permanent exclusion
Students who have demonstrated bullying behaviours will be punished appropriately according to their behaviour, in accordance with the school’s behaviour policy. For persistent offenders or incidents considered as gross acts of aggression,
- Anti Bullying Alliance – Interactive anti-bullying tool for parents, giving advice and guidance to parents and carers. Very easy to use.
- Safetonet – Anti Bullying Alliance sponsor that give advice and guidance to parents about on safeguarding their children on line
- Childnet – Advice and information on the digital issues facing young people
- Anti Bullying Alliance – Banter – Advice and Guidance about the dangers of ‘Banter’
- MIND – Advice, information and support for parents who are worried about the effects of bullying on their child.
- Bullying UK and Kidscape – Information, advice and guidance for parents about bullying
- The BBC Own It keyboard and app – The Own It app helps you take control of your online life!