Religious Education
Curriculum Intent
It is our intent for the Religious Education element of our school curriculum to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions. We aim to engage pupils in systematic enquiry with the significant human questions that religion and worldviews address. Pupils will subsequently develop the understanding and skills needed to appraise others’ responses to these questions as well as developing thoughtful responses of their own.
Religious Education contributes significantly to the Christian character of the school and enables pupils to ask deep and often searching questions about their own faiths and beliefs, and opinions of others regarding pertinent contemporary moral issues. Pupils will be able to deepen their understanding of God and develop skills that allow them to articulate with confidence their views and experiences. The curriculum will help to develop responsibility and respect for all aspects of diversity, whether social, cultural and religious, and prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain. Excellence within Religious Education would mean each pupil leaving Blue Coat with a sound grasp of world religions and other worldviews and significant skills in empathy and respect for difference and diversity. Pupils should be enabled to use the knowledge, skills and understanding beyond school and apply them confidently fostering an attitude to be kind and tolerant of others regardless of the context they are approached with.
Curriculum Documents
Teaching and Learning
In RE, we deliver an ambitious, inclusive curriculum that ensures all students access the full breadth of content. Our teaching vision focuses on high expectations and embedding the 3Rs: Ready, Respectful, Responsible. Lessons follow the school’s Blue Coat approach; explaining and modeling, do and practice, and using the 4forAll Toolkit: key words/reading, time management, chunking/checking, questioning, and providing appropriate verbal, written and visual feedback. Reading is a key strategy, with staff using “Jump In,” the “3-Second Rule,” and “Echo Reading” techniques to support learning.

Enrichment & Experiences
External Study Experiences and Visits Intent
- Holocaust memorial centre – Year 7 and 8
- Mandir and Gurdwara – Year 8
- Islamic exhibition centre – Year 10
- Holi celebration – all year groups
- Vaisakhi celebration – all year groups
- Eid celebration – all year groups
- Langar Aid
- Humanists UK
- Hope not hate
- Anne Frank Trust