Curriculum Intent

The intent of Personal, Social, Health Education (including Relationships and Sex Education) at Blue Coat is to ensure all of our students experience a comprehensive, wide-ranging education designed to enable the students to make the right choices for their own futures. PSHE will link to the whole school curriculum and importantly the school CHRIST values. The curriculum is intended to provide students with complex life skills education which builds on knowledge as they move through their school years tackling relevant, national, local and current topics. Our subject allows pupils to explore thought-provoking topics strengthening many skills such as team working, self-esteem, confidence, wisdom and tolerance/acceptance of others.
The curriculum supports our young students to become good citizens within their future communities; education through PSHE enables them to access knowledge designed to expand their mind, challenge their own thoughts and delve into areas unfamiliar in order to grow and thrive as adults.

Living in the wider world – It is important to ensure pupils understand the world they live in, replicating core values in everyday life, understanding citizenship and being tolerant of others. LIWW enables young people to tackle challenging topics such as PREVENT, racism and human rights – giving them a voice in today’s society. Further topics prepare them for adult life and the world of employment, highlighting key skills needed to help them gain successful job opportunities and becoming financially savvy.

Health and wellbeing – Pupils who are emotionally healthy do better at school. PSHE education helps children and young people to achieve their potential by supporting their wellbeing and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships. PSHE education also helps pupils to develop skills and aptitudes – like teamwork, communication, and resilience – that are crucial to navigating the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

SRE – Recognises the risks and issues children experience today. The focus of sex and relationships education must be to equip children and young people to make safe choices, navigate the online world with a critical eye and help them to understand where to go for support.

Teaching and Learning

In PSHE we believe in delivering an ambitious yet highly inclusive curriculum to all. Our vision for Teaching & Learning is to ensure all students access the “full” curriculum and learn the breadth of content. 

Our staff have high expectations of all pupils and focus on embedding our 3Rs:  

  • Ready
  • Respectful
  • Responsible

All lessons focus on embedding the whole school Blue Coat approach:

  • Explaining and Modelling
  • Do & Practice
  • 4forAll Toolkit leading to inclusive practice:
    • Key words/Reading
    • Use of time
    • Chunk and check
    • Questioning
  • Appropriate verbal, written and visual feedback

Reading is an essential strategy within lessons. You will see staff applying the three reading strategies of:

How can parents help?

A PSHE newsletter is sent to parents every half term which outlines the topics students are studying in PSHE. The newsletter contains helpful guidance to support your child’s PSHE education at home.

How can I support my child’s PSHE Education?

  • Allowing your child to talk about PSHE topics at home can be a really good way for them to explore and contextualise some of the content.
  • If you have time, research some of the areas you know are coming up in your child’s PSHE programme, and anticipate any awkward questions.
  • Be honest if you don’t know the answer to a question. However, you can listen to your child and explore these areas further together.
  • Sensitive conversations can be easier to have if you are not facing each other directly, so whilst driving or walking, for example.

Useful websites

The DfE has published a useful list of FAQs for parents on the new RSE/Relationships

Education requirements, and two new guides on Relationships Education, RSE and Health

Education. You can read it here:

Enrichment & Experiences

Speakers and organisations we work with:

  • Holocaust memorial centre – year 7 and 8
  • Speakers and organisations we work with
  • West Midlands Fire Service
  • British Transport Police
  • CLM Church
  • Guiding young minds
  • Just like us
  • Anne Frank Trust
  • Show Racism the red card
  • Red Card gambling
  • John Bernard (spoken word artist)