Curriculum Intent
The intent of our music curriculum is to enable all students to experience a broad, creative, inspiring and challenging music education that is linked to our whole school curriculum, C.H.R.I.S.T values, KS3 National Curriculum & the needs of FE providers, employers and beyond. Our curriculum is intended to be a multi-faceted creative experience, enabling students to develop their musicianship in a multitude of ways. By building on performance, appreciation, composition and theoretical skills, we intend pupils to develop their own creativity and self-expression, with passion and confidence.
Our subject allows personal development through teamwork skills, resilience, appreciation for other cultures and identities, and self exploration. We intend for all learners, regardless of prior learning and barriers, to access a challenging curriculum that builds on their skills and knowledge through careful scaffolding, to prepare them to become musicians of the future, leading them into their next stage of their musical journey, through 6th Form, university & apprenticeships. Excellence in Music at Blue Coat would mean every student being confident and competent in using music as a creative medium for self-expression, equipping them with a tool to use throughout life, either for personal enjoyment or as a musician within society.
Curriculum Documents
Music Development Plan
In line with the Department for Education’s guidelines, we are pleased to share our school’s Music Development Plan. This document outlines how our school delivers music education to all our pupils across three areas – curriculum music, co-curricular provision and musical experiences – and
what changes we are planning in future years. This information is to help pupils and parents or carers understand what our school offers and who we work with to support our pupils’ music education.
Teaching and Learning
In Music, we deliver an ambitious, inclusive curriculum that ensures all students access the full breadth of content. Our teaching vision focuses on high expectations and embedding the 3Rs: Ready, Respectful, Responsible. Lessons follow the school’s Blue Coat approach; explaining and modeling, do and practice, and using the 4forAll Toolkit: key words/reading, time management, chunking/checking, questioning, and providing appropriate verbal, written and visual feedback. Reading is a key strategy, with staff using “Jump In,” the “3-Second Rule,” and “Echo Reading” techniques to support learning.

How can parents help?
Revision games for KS3 students:
Music Tech Teacher, Music Quizzes, Games, Pianos, Worksheets
Online drum programming software to practise at home:
Chrome Lab Song Maker (year 7):
Chrome Music Lab – Song Maker (
GCSE Music Revision guide: (corey could you add a screenshot of the book maybe?)
WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Music Revision Guide – Revised Edition : Richards, Jan: Books
A level Music revision guide:
Edexcel A Level Music Revision Guide: Various: 9781785581724: Books
A level Music Technology Revision guide:
Edexcel A Level Music Technology Revision Guide. : James Reevell: Books
- Eduqas GCSE Music
- Edexcel A level Music
- Edexcel A level Music Technology
Enrichment & Experiences
Extra-curricular Activities
- Year 7 – Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat – Autumn term
- Christmas Concert
- Carol Service
- Spring Concert
- Bi-annual school musical
- Year 9 KS3 Musical Showcase
- Worship music at Easter service
- Glastonbluey Student and Staff Pop and Rock concert
- A level Music recital
- Monday tutor: Wind Band Mr Boxall M2, Folk Band Mrs Tarry M5
- Tuesday tutor: Senior Band Mr Boxall M5
- Wednesday Tutor: Music Technology Club M4, Mrs Hartlebury
- Thursday tutor: Guitar group Mr Prior M5, School Choir M1 Mr Stannard, Year 7 Worship Band Mrs Tarry M5
- Friday tutor: School Choir M1 Mr Stannard
Recent/Upcoming trips include
- School Choir Cultural Cantata – Coventry Methodist Hall
- 6th Form trip to the Musical Instrument Museum – London
- 6th Form trip to Wenlock Edge
- Jazz Band performance at Wolston Manor
- Gospel Choir performance at Westminster Hall – London
- Gospel Choir Performances – London
- Discovering the classics – orchestral concert, Coventry Cathedral